Why Can I Eat Meat But Not Grains?

But why do we experience such digestive distress from these foods and not so much from meat? Because we rely on our gut microbiome to process them, and if there’s damage to the gut then it’s also impaired in carbohydrate processing which leads to digestive distress. That’s not inflammation, that’s just sloppy digestion/processing. It doesn’t hurt you beyond the acute symptoms.

But what’s the solution? We need to train our guts to adapt to feisty foods by ingesting small amounts at a time until the gut produces the right microbes and bacteria to adequate handle digestion. If you eliminate these less tolerant foods than our guts will never have the opportunity to produce good bacteria and enzymes to fully digest them leading you down a rabbit hole you really don’t want to be in.

But what does hurt you is the effect that you see from animal product consumption – less short chain fatty acid producing good bacteria, more inflammatory bacteria, increased intestinal permeability, release of bacterial endotoxin, creation of carcinogenic secondary bile salts/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons/N-nitroso compounds/heterocyclic aromatic amines and vascular disease-fueling TMAO (Trimethylamine N-oxide ).

Yes, it is easier for your body to digest and process meat. We don’t have to rely on our microbiome as much for that. So you may not feel any discomfort – but keep in mind what’s really happening inside. Silent but damaging.