So, You’ve Decided You Need a Cleanse?

So, you’ve decided to detox some of the goodies you’ve indulged in with family, friends, and good treats around?

That’s a great idea – and your detox plan does not need to be painful or expensive!

After all, your body ALWAYS moves toward wellness and detoxification at any time of the day or year – we just need to get out of its way. And detoxing doesn’t necessarily have to cost anything in the way of expensive treatments, gadgets, and supplements.

Here are some low cost detox tips:

1. Simply eat less – or nothing – for a short period of time. With your doctor’s go- 
    ahead, try dry fasting for 12-24 hours or try a more comfortable water fast for
    1-3 days. Honestly, past day 3, fasting becomes much more tolerable.

2. If the above is not doable for your lifestyle, try investing in a juicer and drink
    only fresh juices throughout the day for 1-7 days.

3. And then there’s always eating VERY simply by limiting your intake to only
    fruits and vegetables for a while. Both raw and cooked produce does wonders
    in helping move debris throughout your digestive tract. (Some natural hygienists
recommend eating only fruits and their juices from 4 am to 12 pm each day as that
seems to be the body’s cleansing algorithm time). And Bernard Jensen used to say,
“When you’re green inside, you’re clean inside.” So green leafy grasses and green
vegetables are extremely valuable for cleansing and rebuilding.

But bear in mind that cleansing involves more of what comes OUT of your body than what goes IN. People can fast for days and weeks with no bowel movements. Is that even practical? If you can afford the luxury of having a professional colon hydrotherapist service you 2-3 times a week, that would be a great help in your detox routine. Check online or ask around at your town’s health food store if they know of a reputable colonic therapist.

After all, you don’t want to go through all the work of eating cleanly (or fasting) only to have a backup of poisons in your colon move to your liver, kidneys, bloodstream, and, well, just about everywhere. In fact, when we eat cleanly and fast we are alerting the old encrusted fecal matter to exit the body. Priming it to leave. You’ll be amazed how much better you’ll feel with that out!

But if we don’t get that out, our “detox” will not detoxify much. What a waste of time, money, and effort. And remember too, that fluoride, chlorine, and bromine compete with iodine for the same thyroid receptors. Having enough iodine available helps defend and detoxify the thyroid against these toxic halogens.

If you need help in eliminating poisons more quickly from your body, take a look at these options:

Whole-body detoxification

Oxygen cleanser

Parasite cleanse

Quality nascent iodine

Organic flash dried wheatgrass detox