EMF Protection in the 5G Age

It’s a whole lot better not to allow degeneration to begin in the first place. If you have already acquired a degenerative status, then you have to get very serious about your diet. You have to change your way of life because, if you keep doing what you are doing, you are going to keep getting more of what you’ve got. You have to change.

For a person in a degenerative state, the Zero Point Technology can help prevent their health concerns from amplifying, if due to continuous discord such as EMF, ELF or unhealthy foods. But, until the person modifies their behaviors their circumstance will not be rectified. What supports the damage is not necessarily the external chaotic frequencies as much as it is the kind of food they are eating – things like dairy, greasy foods, sodas, milk, sugar, sprayed vegetables, etc.

In a way, this Zero Point Technology is the ultimate immune system support. It gives your system a break from defending itself all day long. It makes some people feel like they have a soothing suave all over their body or it feels like a nice warm bath, soft and relaxing. Bathe yourself in the protective field of the EMF Pendant which utilizes the newly re-discovered and intensely researched science of zero-point energy.

Modern physics has identified this energy field to be complementary to the human body as it is regenerative and curative in nature. Exposure to zero-point energy promotes the creation of subtle organizing energy fields (SOEF’s) inside the human body.

This accounts for the EMF Pendant’s ability to aid in the body’s natural healing processes. When exposed to the zero-point field, your food and water (as well as other beverages) are “cleared” or neutralized in terms of their subtle toxic potential.

The purpose of the EMF Pendant is to nullify the harmful effects of EMF (electromagnetic fields) and ELF (extremely low frequencies) created by radio waves, microwaves, computers, power lines, television, cars, planes, fuse boxes and so on.

The EMF Pendant has a constant 3-foot radius that does not need to be cleared or recharged as it has lifetime effectiveness.