Who should be interested in which foods stop or prevent a stroke? Pretty much all of us, seeing that stroke is ranked fourth as the United States’ cause of death. Not to mention a stroke’s cruel ravages of paralysis and other symptoms if one is survived.
Interestingly, a study published in the journal Stroke and conducted at the University of Pennsylvania found that potassium rich foods, like bananas, could help reduce your risk of stroke. Analyzing 90,000 test subjects between the ages of 50 and 79, researchers tracked daily eating habits and compared that to their overall health, over an 11-year period.
Conclusions reached? Those who ate the most foods high in potassium had a 12 percent lower risk of general stroke and a 16 percent reduced risk of ischemic stroke (from blocked brain blood vessels). Evidently potassium helps improve blood vessel function, allowing for better oxygenation of our brain tissue and prevention of tissue death.
Bananas aren’t your favorite? Try all kinds of beans, all kinds of potatoes, dark leafy greens, apricots, almonds, fish, or even creamy avocados.
Doesn’t seem like too difficult a task to prevent something so ugly.